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2015. április 25., szombat

iamyank - Lost Sounds & Adventures of Poco Eco

I wrote about a producer Professor Kliq nearly two years ago, who made video game music. Now I would like to recommend to you a mobile app game and its music too. So, go ahead let's face the Adventures of Poco Eco and adventures of iamyank, the Lost Sounds EP.

You may know iamyank who makes kind of soulful futuristic electronic music that can sometimes fit post rock too. (Sorry for labeling the music but it is for the industry, if you know what is the closest genre of it, you can get a hint if you want this or not. If you do, you can grab a copy and support the artist.) So, iamyank and his friends made a unique collaboration for his latest EP, Lost Sounds. I don't want to analyze and rate the game because these blog is not about games. I just put here some screenshots. I let you decide from the title and the pics, like we used to play games on Commodore64 when we were kids. You knew hardly anything about the game, there were no tutorials. Just loaded it and started to play. You discovered the whole game during you played with it, and that was awesome. So, go and download it: Play StoreiTunes.

And let's get back to Lost Sounds EP! The first track Lowlands completely reminds me of a German electronic duo - who are unfortunately not active -, Dadamnphreaknoizphunk. If you like the sounds of Lowlands, try the Germans' 1999 album, Electric Crate Digger. The Bird Tamer is post rock for me while of course it is not post rock. Put more guitars, cymbals, lower the drums and you'll get it. :) Marching Metronome is not as cold as you think from its title (during the game it was my fav level when this track was played). It has some serious tribe feeling, like you get some peyote and follow the saman - see, I told, this is my favourite! Okay, prepare because Lotus is the next. It is like Jean Michel Jarre and French electronic music from the golden 70-80s era. You got the tribe trip, now you get outer space! I want to have an extended version of it, 7-8 minutes of these topics could become an even better track. The Untold and beyond - it is interesting if there is a vocal, the music just get mainstream. Mainstream in a good way, I mean it is like a radio hit. Okay, I can't get out of this spiral. Listen to it and you'll see. I am very critical with female vocals. Dori's tone is not my famous one but listening to the track again and again, I am getting more than okay with it. Anyway she reminds me Sarah Blasko. During the game I felt that as I was heading to the end of the game, the music was just geting better and better. Maybe it is because of the game (you know you are going the climax, the peak) but it is also working with the tracks, Turbo and Pauza is a great grand finale!

Summa summarum: this is my first advice in the blog like that, but please don't download iamyank's Lost Sounds!
Download the game on Play Store or iTunes
Because in this way you can get the EP too. Of course, not everyone is a gamer, but don't think of this as a game. Think of it as an adventure, a discovery. Don't miss the chance of playing with Poco Eco. It is great, the music is awesome, you will have an incredible journey.

If you want to catch Yank, check his dates here.


2015. április 18., szombat

Adventures in hiphop #4 - Old School Mixtape (April 2015)

Recently I have been making playlists on papers writing down the tunes of my vinyl records. I wanted to make an old school hiphop mixtape so long. So, this is it. This mixtape is the result of my second try, mixing is difficult with vinyl records without any digital help (e.g. looping). The quality of the tracks is different which you'll recognize easily, but the vibes are great maybe it can make you not to stick to the perfect (and sometimes cold) digital quality. This selection is still far from any excellence but I am very excited to share this with anyone who likes old school hiphop. In the mixtape you can listen to Afrika Bambataa, Naughty by Nature, House of Pain etc. Listen in peace!

You can also download this mixtape here: Jefe - Adventures in hiphop #4 (April 2015)


2015. április 9., csütörtök

Nils Frahm - Solo (Piano Day)

A post just came by on my Facebook stream - what a co-incidence - and this time it wasn't fully shit and advertisement. I checked Nils Frahm and I got some info about his project on Piano Day. So Nils made a great accoustic album full of piano works. You can download it for free (even in WAV) and you can support him to help making a dream come true: to build the Kalvins M450. If this sentence doesn't mean anything for you, don't worry, neither I have known anything about this project.

So, Nils Frahm played on a Klavins M370... a piano which is very unique in form and in sound. And the builder of this instrument, Mr Kalvins has a dream, to build a better, bigger piano, the Klavins M450. It sounds very great: the idea and the piano too. Read more about this project here:

I haven't known Nils Frahm, but he is one the most talented piano players who mixes his talent with electronic music. He is like Bonobo, Caribou.

If you like piano works, try his play on this monster Kalvins M370. Passionate, beautiful, compact, clear sounds, goose-bumps. It is worth it. It reminds me a more relaxed Yann Tiersen. Really. Listen in peace:

Also you can check Nils Frahm's live act on Boiler Room and follow him on SoundCloud or on Facebook.
