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2014. szeptember 17., szerda

Wunderbar House aus Berlin - The Chosen Two - Traumaland EP & We Don't Kehr EP

So, today we have some tasty electronic music. Again. Good house music. Again (?)
The chosen one of today is The Chosen Two. Two guys from Berlin who started in 1999/2003, have a lot of releases and usually mixing at Golden Gate. Vilmos, remember? That was one the clubs we couldn't enter last November. Now this is another good reason for checking these guys. And their music is a better reason.
I made a playlist of their two EPs (Traumaland and We Don't Kehr) These tracks are not their latest releases, I chose these because they are out on vinyl too and also give a fine representation of their own label Powder & Louder. If you like them, you know what to do: SoundCloud, Facebook.
I really hope they are coming to Budapest in the near future.

Tracklist and comments:
  1. Born Inna Bassdrum - greatgreatGREAT! can I have a little more cowbell?
  2. We Don't Kehr - first track I heard from these guys. Wunderbar!
  3. Mean & Evil - It reminds me Laid Back's Bakerman (Soul Clap remix)!
  4. Weekend - more uptempo, one the uniquest track
  5. We Don't Kehr (Erik Christiansen Remix) - only for driving, not for party
  6. Traumaland - fine tech tune with some traditional Russian sounds
  7. Die Orgel (2013) - I like that blunt instrument as the lead.


2014. szeptember 14., vasárnap

Chilly hiphop and future beats - Summer in Jakarta mixtape

20Syl posted a release of Jakarta Records (Summer in Jakarta) on his Facebook page. This selection is free, so I decided to make a mixtape from its tracks. I know, mixing is far from perfect and some tracks don't fit each other in genres. I just wanted to have the whole release in one piece, I hop you'll like it. So, listen to this if you'd like to know what happens when contemporary hiphop and future-garage-like chilly beats meet.

You can find very experienced producers here: Ta-kuSuff DaddyGuts20Syl. If you like these tracks - or just a few of them - check their bandcamp page and download/stream them for free.


Ps.: If you like Guts, you can support him by coming his concert to A38 boat in December. :)

2014. szeptember 7., vasárnap

FW is 10! - Celebrating Ten years of First Word Records

Today's weather is everything but sunny. Because of autumn - and also thanks to Sunday depression :P - I can't listen to energetic, fast BPM music.
One of my fav funk & hiphop labels is First Word Records. (Here you can listen to those records I ordered from them.) Anyway, these guys celebrated their 10th birthday this year. For this occasion they released a compilation started from the beginning 2003/4. These selected tracks include downtempo sounds (similar to Bonobo, Yonderboi), heavily trumpet-focused afro-funk tracks and light hiphop songs. The compilation starts with slowly tunes and then it gets you in a happier mood - Perfect for this weather!
Unfortunately I can't make playlists on this Bandcamp-based site, so simply click on the picture to listen to all the songs.

I know 2 hours could be too much to spend it with discovering tracks from unknown artists. I put some of them into group of genres so you can choose who fits your mood:





If you think First Word Records does its job well, check their releases out or follow them on SoundCloud and Facebook.


2014. szeptember 1., hétfő

Uzipov - Szőrén a Borzot EP

If you follow the blog you may have met Uzipov and their hard rock music. This August they released a new EP which you can download for free too.
They grab four HU songs: two ephocal ones from Kispál és a Borz, and two also well-known songs from Soerii & Poolek, and they invited Krisztián Szűcs, Szabolcs Papp (who sang the original songs) to help making the Uzipov-versions. I'm not sure why Péter Egyedi sings one of the Kispál tracks. Actually, his voice fits more to this genre than András Lovasi"s (who sang the original version). If this was intentional, Uzipov FTW! If it wasn't, then guys, you are lucky bastards!

Summed up: the idea is great, the execution is also breathtaking. GG WP

Listen to the Szőrén a Borzot EP here (download link is also there):

If you don't know the original version of these songs, check them out here:

Do you like Uzipov? If so, don't plan anything on Friday night. They are playing these tracks and other great songs on A38 boat in Budapest. For more info: Facebook event.
Or just follow them on Facebook and Soundcloud.
