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2014. szeptember 14., vasárnap

Chilly hiphop and future beats - Summer in Jakarta mixtape

20Syl posted a release of Jakarta Records (Summer in Jakarta) on his Facebook page. This selection is free, so I decided to make a mixtape from its tracks. I know, mixing is far from perfect and some tracks don't fit each other in genres. I just wanted to have the whole release in one piece, I hop you'll like it. So, listen to this if you'd like to know what happens when contemporary hiphop and future-garage-like chilly beats meet.

You can find very experienced producers here: Ta-kuSuff DaddyGuts20Syl. If you like these tracks - or just a few of them - check their bandcamp page and download/stream them for free.


Ps.: If you like Guts, you can support him by coming his concert to A38 boat in December. :)

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