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2014. október 28., kedd

What So Not at A38 (30th Oct - Thursday)

The last post was after a great concert, so I thought I have to recommend a good party just before it happens. This Thursday an Australian DJ duo, What So Not will take the decks at A38. What So Not is Flume and Emoh Instead. Flume was the first blog post of 2012, and his beautiful soulful electronic music made a huge impression to me.
In June Flume's album was the warming-up music at Timi's & Vili's wedding just before the ceremony. A great choice.

I don't let the wine in me talks too much...summa summarum I thought it doesn't matter what kind of project Flume brings to Hungary it will be a unique experience. He is Australian and those fellas don't come to Hungary so often. In What So Not, Flume shows his party-self, bringing some heavily trap-influenced music. Bass, claps, snares, tuba (!), dance music at its finest or ADM in one word (Australian Dance Music as they call themself). What So Not has some hits but nothing other official releases, no EPs, no LPs, only some DJ mixes.
I don't know how this guys do it but Flume and his "side-project" What So Not is extremely popular on SoundCloud. If you take a look at the tracks of them, you can find e.g. Jaguar track which has more than 6 millions of plays. This is something on SoundCloud. Okay it is easier if your track is the official song of one music festival. Or two: Holy Ship! Wicked.
Guys, if you like partying, and you want to lose your head but you still don't prefer simple (US) radio dance music like Flo-Rida, David Guetta and other bastards then you should come to the A38 boat at Thursday. What So Not will start at 23:30 - I know, I know it is Thursday, I have a day off on Friday, so What? (So Not)!
Check What So Not on SoundCloud, find some useful info about the gig on and listen to their hits here:


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