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2014. december 30., kedd

Yuzame Netlabel - 4-Way Split Album (Culture)

Pisti recommended this free EP. 4-Way Split Album [Culture] contains 2-2 tracks from 4 Japanese producers at Yuzame NetlabelSome of the tracks are more topics than music I think. There is one common thing in both: they distort vocals with some instrumentals and noises, then they make loop of them (e.g. Repeat Every Day). You may hear similar music to this when you listen to Gramatik, Flume or 20Syl. Some of the tracks are not very melodic but these guys are Japanese and you couldn’t think their stuff is easy-to-digest for Europeans. My favourites are siroPd and _yi – adustam and ΔMUNOA is just too much.

  • _yi’s My Culture sounds like an electro house producer who signed to Ninja Tune. And then Nightdrive is pure hiphop.
  • siroPd is a master of loops in Repeat Every Day. Creation is chip tune which makes me think of random old school video games.

If your are curious what Japanese electronic/dance music sounds today, get your free copy here and follow Yuzame Netlabel on SoundCloud.


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