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2015. október 31., szombat

Zebra Katz

Zebra Katz is one of the most influential presenter of queer hiphop. And I like his world a lot - both musically both visually. You may know Zebra Katz's song Ima Read from 2012. I listened to this track back in the days and I was excited to check his recent music. Unfortunately Zebra Katz hasn't released any LP yet. He has some EPs but these pieces rock.

I collected some of his works in a playlist below. Listening to these tunes is just one part of the enjoyment. You should check the videos too because it is a professional art-commando for your eyes. Designer clothes everywhere, sexuality, and elegant viloence. Every video leads you into a weird world. And this odd universum is so cool, I took some snapshots from his videos, imagine what kind of things could work in Zebra Katz's mind. :)

And the music:

If you like this hiphop, or sometimes trappish, minimalistic techno music (hard to define), follow Zebra on Facebook, Soundcloud (mostly for remixes), and read more about him here.

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