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2015. február 1., vasárnap


Funkanomics are three German guys, who make great (more or less ghetto) funky tunes. Recently I read an interview with them. They were asked about producing own tracks and they said: „You used to do gigs to promote your tracks. Now you’re doing tracks to promote your gigs.”

Their works are diverse, they made remixes of German contemporary popmusic (Marteria), classic disco (Odyssey), rock (Status Quo) or funky rap (JBrown & The Mic Smith).

Last week I listened to their first  mix in 2015 called Chillax 4th. While they are playing great chilly instrumentals/tracks they use some of the biggest dudes from hiphop in the vocals: Snoop Dogg, Naughty by Nature, Wu Tang Clan, Sean Paul, Nate Dog & Warren G, Beastie Boys. And then some giants of classic funk: Stewie Wonder, The Jackson 5, George Benson. Chillax 4th is an awesome selection, every 2nd minutes you think that this is the climate of the mix. And after every 2nd minutes you realize you were wrong.
The mixing is smooth: besides the beat matching there are some moderate scratches and loops. For a beginner like me it can teach a lot and it is also good to notice that professionals could have some problems with matching two songs (around 16:20).
While you can get used to the atmosphere of these chilly vibes and the old school hiphop vocals, you can also listen to some Eastern eggs: around the last quarter of the mix there is a Marvin Gaye remix by Tapesh which is actually a deep house song. It is a great example how you can change the genre from chilly hiphop to the more dynamic house (did you notice the change in tempo at 57:20?). Right after that: Don’t Worry Be Happy? Wtf? What a choice!

Since the Funaomonics has three members it could be expensive to invite them to Hungary. Although I am sure they rock the party and could make a memorable gig for those who like dancing, nodding and smiling at the same time. If you like what °u heard, follow the Funkanomics on social media (SoundCloud, Facebook) or go to a party where they show up.


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